Use "are they|be they" in a sentence

1. They can be as educational as they are fascinating, entertaining as they are eye-opening.

2. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be Comforted

3. They are all angry, they are desolate, but they have made a rational decision not to be bitter.

4. • They should be stirred Constantly until they are the required colour

5. They used to be friends but they are now sworn enemies .

6. Are they going to be alright?

7. Wheat and tares are almost identical when they sprout, but they can be distinguished once they mature.

8. They are happy merely to be solvent.

9. Otherwise they are religiously to be observed.

10. They are held to be somewhat effeminate.

11. When they realize they are free from tyranny, the people will be glad.

12. They need to be praised, although they are usually uncomfortable with "gushy" praise.

13. I will not be satisfied, until they scream like the pigs they are!

14. They are unashamedly retro in their appeal, but they could equally be futuristic.

15. If they are regarded negatively, they may be called "sexual licence" or "licentiousness".

16. They could be communist, they could be liberal, they could be fascist or Islamic.

17. They may be Homeland, they may be private.

18. Since they are not baptized members of the congregation, they cannot be formally disfellowshipped.

19. But they are wrong to be so forlorn.

20. They are ambitious although they are poor.

21. They are unruly, and therefore cannot be ruled.

22. Darling, don't be angry. They are all somniloquy.

23. They are to be locked up and guarded.

24. Our requests, whatever they are, must be unobtrusive.

25. They are symmetric; they are equal triangles.

26. They are generous although they are poor.

27. “They are not artistic enough to be legends. . . .

28. They think they are: Contending

29. They will be paid for what they are good at, not what they're bad at.

30. They have to be defended by proxy, and they are both in the same boat.

31. They are fascinating and frightening; they arouse anger and they are defiant.

32. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

33. They may be worried about Vladimir Putin, but they are more about cutting their losses.

34. They are rich, but they are terribly stingy.

35. When they are used before the noun they describe, they are called Attributive:

36. 21 If they are wrong, then we are without guidance and they may leave us, which would be catastrophic.

37. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. “Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the more. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

38. They may be loyally standing by their men, but they are also carving their own careers.

39. Basenjis may be barkless, but they are not mute

40. They are not a power to be trifled with.

41. His plans are not what they purport to be.

42. Clemency definition: If someone is granted Clemency , they are punished less severely than they could be

43. “People are Boastful because of who they are, where they are, what they do that they are highly educated or professional or rich

44. They must be far enough in so they won't be-

45. If they have, they should be nervous.

46. They are truly to be commended for their endurance.

47. The footprints are quite distinct; they must be fresh.

48. If artificial flowers are used they must be dusted.

49. If they expect the match to be friendly, then they are in for a rude awakening.

50. Cynic: blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.

51. They are to be found all over the world.

52. They are demanding that all troops should be withdrawn.

53. They are so thin that they are quite transparent.

54. They are immensely rich, they are absolutely poverty- stricken.

55. Of course they are, they are a mercantilist nation.

56. They held a press conference, sir, in which they said if absentee ballots are not properly postmarked they should not be counted.

57. Although Blini are best served soon after they are prepared, they can be made up to a week in advance

58. Often, one who is considered to be Bumbling does not know what they are doing or where they are going

59. Despite where they are found, no matter what they are doing, Aggressors will always be out front Leading the Way

60. They are thrown into situations where they are witness, but they are powerless to bring any change.

61. When businesses advertise that they are “Bonded”, they could be referring to their surety or fidelity bonding

62. " Yes, they are tiny growing things and they might be crocuses or snowdrops or daffodils, " she whispered.

63. Floaters may seem to be alive, since they move and change shape, but they are not alive.

64. 28 The genius has outstanding ideas, and they must be implemented, even if they are completely amoral.

65. They turned out to be totally placid; just as well, since they are the size of hornets.

66. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust.”

67. They are awesome pieces of technology, wonderful machines, and they have shown that fusion can be done.

68. Men are April when they woo,December when they wed;maids are May when they are maids,but the sky changes when they are wives.

69. They are.

70. Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally.

71. If consumers realize that they are likely to be contaminated by foodstuffs, they will not buy them.

72. They bleat about how miserable they are.

73. When they were relieved they would be debriefed.

74. They are coming overland, they are moving by the rivers.

75. If they are wearing shoes, they are usually high-heel.

76. Are they literal or are they also “signs” or symbols?

77. These delicious Chestnuts must be prepared before they are consumed

78. 18 The footprints are quite distinct; they must be fresh.

79. I guess words are a motherfucker, they can be great.

80. • Counterpoints may therefore be Counterproductive, especially if they are obscure.